02/16/1979 - 04/29/1979

Art Museum of South Texas

As a major contribution to the I.S.A. Bicentennial efforts, AMST organized an exhibition to recognize and define the influence of Spanish Art of the colonial Period (ca.1500 -1800) on the art of the Americas, particularly Mexico and the Southwest United States. In an area where over half of the population is of Spanish origin, AMST felt a special calling to explore and expose the cultural heritage of our region. Prime examples of Spanish masters of the period (e.g. Goya, Velasquez, Zurbaran, Lus de Morales, Antonio Moro, el Greco, Burequete, Montanes, and Mena) were exhibited along with works from the colonies in New Spain that showed the influence of these men. Furniture, textiles, and metal work, in addition to paintings and sculpture, were presented to illustrate those elements of American fabrication and adaptation we well as the Spanish conceptualization of the art of Spanish Colonial North America.