09/16/2022 - 01/27/2023

Ullberg and Paulson Galleries

On view Sept.16- January 27, 2023, in the Ullberg and Paulson Galleries.

When we take into consideration that artists make art not in a vacuum, but while living in their contemporary world, we can find points of uniqueness that appear so specific. However, as we look closely, there can be connections between even the most different works of art. While making these selections, it became clear that themes and mediums, styles and subject matter play off another work of art in singular or in many ways. Take a close look at the works displayed between the Ullberg and Paulson Galleries and see what ways these works of art relate to one another.

Accessibility Information

Photo Restriction: Photography allowed in the exhibition (no flash, no tripods)
Touch Restriction: Non-touch exhibition
Exhibition Language(s): English
Potential Challenges for Visitors With:


Other Notes:

For questions or more information, please contact: clayton.reuter@tamucc.edu