04/16/2019 - 08/25/2019
Meadows Gallery
This year the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Arts Faculty include 15 artists and art historians whose art and essay works installed in the Upper Gallery of the Philip Johnson Building are the prompt for the selections made from the museum’s permanent collection, seen here. These works are as varied in style, media, size, era and concepts as the exhibition Confluence: Art Faculty Biennial, 2019.
The Faculty Art Biennial Exhibition occurs every other year during the Spring and Summer semesters at the art museum. With the College of Liberal Arts growing and the field of artists expanding, the art museum added a new dimension this year, linking the contemporary artist’s works of art, to a larger dialogue by correlating a select exhibition from the permanent collection, prompted by examination of their works.
When looking at art, the viewer sees the endpoint where the artist declares the work finished. What we may consider in this exhibition, is a chance to create a dialogue in ways that are the antithesis of or correlation to the works included in the Biennial exhibition. No matter where the viewer begins, within this exhibition Counterpoint, there is an opportunity to consider the selections and relationships between the artists’ work from perhaps the same time period or, in some cases a great historical leap.
Selections made in this exhibition included identifying within the collection works that correlated, complimented, or exhibit characteristics counter to or within the content or design.