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Open Digital Studio Hours

April 24, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

For adults and children ages 10 years old and up.Do you want to edit your photos, but your home software isn’t sophisticated enough to do what you want to do?  Do you have a special project you need to design for school?  Do you want to make a video presentation or do you need to scan, edit and print some special photos? Then come on down to the Art Museum of South Texas!AMST’s Blanche Moore Digital Studio, with its 10 Dell All-In-One Touchscreen computers and Epson Scanner and Printer, will have reserved hours for adults or children 10 and up, accompanied by an adult.  A lab attendant will supervise activity during lab times and will be available to help facilitate use of the equipment.  Available programs for use on the computers include:·          Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro and more)·          Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint) Participants may also use the scanner and print 2 photos per session.  *Please note that the lab attendant is not there to instruct you in how to use the available software. Participants should have basic knowledge in the programs they intend to use.  Please check the museum’s calendar for classes.  FMI, please call 361.825.3504 or email AMSTed@tamucc.edu.Cost per session: $10 members / $20 non-membersReservations required. Register and pre-pay onlineFor more information, call 361.825.3504Open Digital Studio Facebook Event


April 24, 2018
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


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